inspiring women series | ibby sasso
/This inspiring mom is one that is very near and dear to my heart. We have known each other as long as I can remember, and our parents even longer. She is like another sister to me. We have vacationed together, gone to school together and experienced so much of life together. You can't not laugh when you're around her.
Throughout the many ups and downs of life, Ibby has always come out smiling. And when she began her journey into motherhood and things did not go "as planned" her attitude was no different. Ibby shares more about her beautiful son Hank as she answers a few questions for us on the blog, but all I can say is that her resilience, strength and positivity are shining brighter than ever before. She comes to mind for me on a daily basis, her experience and the way she has taken on motherhood inspire me each day. I know that her words will inspire you as well.
AO: What is one thing you have had access to before, during or after pregnancy that has positively influenced your experience? (product/professional service or treatment/class/book etc...)
IS: My most reliable resource as a mother is talking to other moms, new or seasoned, who have experienced similar journeys. Motherhood is a unique passage for every woman but with the same rewards. I definitely had a rare entry so finding other mothers out there that can share similar stories of the joys and challenges has given me great comfort that I’m not alone in this sacred journey.
AO: What are you surprised by (that no one ever talks about) that happens
to your mind or body during or after pregnancy?
IS: As we all well know, motherhood is a 24hr job from the get-go and I’m amazed by how quickly my body recovered from the major abdominal surgery that is an emergency C-section! I was walking with minimal pain just a couple days post- delivery and while I wasn’t expecting to deliver via c-section I actually appreciate the sight of my scar as a daily reminder of how amazing we are as humans.
AO: With your experience, what knowledge would you share with a new mother?
IS: My experience is definitely special and looking back I’m overwhelmed with emotion just thinking of how life-altering becoming a mother was for me in particular. We had an extremely wild entry into parenthood in that our son Hank was born with a rare genetic disorder called SCID characterized by having no T- cell function or rather a working immune system. Considered a pediatric emergency, we were swept into a world we didn’t know existed which included living in isolation at UCSF for the first 4 months of Hank’s life to protect him from catching even the slightest cold or infection. The treatment is a bone marrow transplant and in modern medicine miracles my husband happened to be a good donor match. Fast forward to Hank today as a happy, healthy 2 year old who gets to make a trip to UCSF each month for his “magic medicine” which is IVIG. This is our new normal and we’re adapting to it with every new day. My advice to any new mother, no matter the outcome, is that you are stronger than you know and
God does not give you anything you can’t handle. We feel so blessed to have come out the other side with a new life perspective, to never take these precious lives for granted and to cherish every single moment with Hank.
AO: How has your body amazed you on this journey of pregnancy and/or motherhood?
IS: I’m definitely not in my best shape but as a mother I have garnered a whole new confidence and appreciation when I look in the mirror....albeit much saggier boobs and terrible posture. And I actually weigh what my driver’s license says I do!
AO: Fill in the blank: My current self care must do/have: _______________
IS: Oprah’s “Super Soul Sunday” podcast in my ears when I’m cleaning up the kitchen after a long day. Or NYT’s Dear Sugars!
AO: Fill in the blank: Motherhood means: __________________
IS: The most sacred, life- changing experience one can ever imagine!