why i created the postnatal education series

Just a few months ago I launched my first ever online video series.  I started with my postnatal education program since that seems to be a majority of my clients right now and I also have so many women reach out to me on a daily basis that aren’t able to come in for a consultation.  

Professionally my biggest goal as a Women’s Health practitioner is to make a postnatal assessment more common and perhaps even standard of care after delivery.  Sadly now it is often recognized as something unique or so specialized that women (and doctors) don’t even know it’s a treatment option.

The education I give women postnatally is what I feel all women have the right to know.  It empowers women to connect with their bodies, their recovery and their goals moving forward.  It also teaches women to recognize when they should seek treatment and why.

Therefore this series is exactly what I discuss with my mamas when they come in for their postnatal assessment.  The only difference would be that if we discovered anything along the way where they needed continued hands on care, which I obviously can’t provide through a video.  But if that comes up while practicing with the video, women can seek out a Women’s Health PT in their area (see the link below to find one near you).

The series is broken down into clear chapters which teach women about the anatomy and function of their core, in my opinion the most important part of the series. Then I move on to how to connect with the core through alignment, breathwork, and exercises.  And lastly the movements are summarized to give women a concise collection for daily practice. I even throw in there a bonus about cesarean healing and diastasis recti.

Ideally women could begin this series immediately after childbirth.  But honestly, if you are years past your delivery, you will still find value and connection.  What you learn in this series can be incorporated into your daily life and movement practices, so it’s never too late!
