inspiring women series | laurel gallucci


Laurel is the owner and co-founder of Sweet Laurel Bakery and mama to baby boy, Nico.  It was a pleasure getting to know more about her and her insight as a new mother. Read more below…


AO: What's one thing you wish you had access to before you started a family, be it in doctors, healers, community, etc. 

LG: Definitely prenatal Pilates with a focus on the pelvic floor. I did prenatal yoga, but that strengthening that is so important during pregnancy was not addressed. I also wish I had a practitioner focus on the strength and breathing behind pushing. Pushing was something I was totally unprepared for.

AO: What are you surprised that no one ever talks about that happens to your mind or body before pregnancy or after pregnancy. 

LG: The recovery is intense. I couldn't walk normal after my vaginal birth and I think I attempted to move around and walk about too soon. I was eager to move and be outside, and as soon as I got home from the hospital I was doing just that! Probably not the best idea. I should have listened to my mom, who encouraged me to chill and rest more post birth.

AO: If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything?

LG: I'd prepare physically for pregnancy and delivery, and allow myself to heal more before power walking up a hill!

AO: What has been the biggest surprise post pregnancy?

LG: How much I love my beautiful baby, and how much my body has changed.

AO: How has your body amazed you on this journey?

LG: I know this is vain, but I never thought my tummy would go back to normal after birth, but it pretty much has! I'm also super surprised by how much energy I have postpartum, and I'm so grateful that my body is giving me that gift.

inspiring women series | shannon vaughn of pursoma detox baths

I am so grateful that I am still continuously amazed at the wonderful and inspiring mothers I come into contact with on a daily basis. Mothers who dedicate their lives to not only taking care of themselves, their little ones and their family, but do things in the world to benefit others. I am excited to introduce Shannon Vaughn, founder of Pursoma Detox Beauty, who has made it her life's mission to help and heal others, using the power of natural botanical ingredients that aim to detoxify you, purify you, combat the negative effects of daily radiation (Instagram anyone?!) and give people a chance to create a ritual that feels best for their well being and spirit, as often as they can find the time. 

Now, that we are fully experiencing winter in California, this is a great reminder to disconnect, relax and get in the bath! My favorite Pursoma product is the Digital Detox Bath


AO: What's one thing you wish you had access to before you started a family- be it in doctors, healers, community, pain management etc.

SV: When I was ready to even think of having a child I had already been doing so much to manage my own optimum health, that I just employed traditional and holistic heath advisors into advising me for my next body stage, which was to conceive, deliver, breast-feed and recover. 

AO: What are you surprised that no one ever talks about that happens to your mind or body before pregnancy or after pregnancy?

SV: No one tells you how tired you are going to be; they tell you sleep when the new baby sleeps and now I understand why, but that is almost impossible if you work. I went back to work 8 days after having my daughter and I really did not feel the full effects of how tired I was until 2 years later and I truly wonder how I got by, but I did.

Also no one tells you or really talks about possible incontinence, and repairing the stretched muscles from delivery. There is a very easy way to make sure everything on the outside goes back to normal, but on the inside you don’t get advice unless you go looking for it. I had a friend tell me about the pelvic floor muscles being able to be stretched and then straightened and put back right into place where they were pre delivery and luckily I have a johns Hopkins trained doctor right in my local area. This was life-changing knowledge and I am happy finally more women are changing the conversation to prevent vs. just have to heal.

AO: If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything?

SV: I would have carved out more time the first three months to be less connected to the outside world and spent more time at home as a new mother. I think its important to understand that is the most important job that requires full attention of the mother and baby in the beginning. 

AO: What has been the biggest surprise post pregnancy?

SV: I was amazed at how quickly my body recovered; I gained close to 40 pounds and lost it in 3 weeks. I had a post partum plan that I had organized before the baby came, so I think that was key, making sure I had the right food, enough hydration, emotional support and good doctors with all of that, I was able to get back to exercise in 6 weeks.

AO: How has your body amazed you on this journey?

SV: It amazed me that at each stage the body recognized that it was in a different state, it let me know, and then it asked for help and support to transition. After exactly one year of my completion of breast-feeding Esme, my body reacted really strongly to the hormonal switch, I got very sick and had a terrible infection in my eye. I had to have surgery to remove it, and felt extremely depleted for weeks. I went back on an aggressive recovery program and changed some of my food choices to help supplement me during this transition. My body needed additional support to get thought this change; within one month my period came back right on time and things were very much normal again. I am amazed at the human body and its ability to heal when listening to it.  


Shannon and daughter, Esme (2) 

what to expect during an internal exam with a women's health physical therapist


As a specialist in Women’s Health, I am competent in assessing the function of the pelvic floor both internally and externally.  At the time of initial consultation and after a thorough medical history and orthopedic assessment, it is determined if this type of evaluation is necessary to reach your treatment goals.  If so, and consent is given, an internal exam is done manually without the use of any instruments.   Since most of the women I treat are not familiar with this type of evaluation, I thought I would break down and simplify the steps that a Women’s Health physical therapist might go through with you.  

  • First, the examination is explained verbally with visuals such as pictures and a pelvic floor model so you would know exactly what to expect. The therapist will talk you through the entire exam, allowing you to connect to your pelvic floor and work as a team throughout the process.

  • Then in a lying down position, your external pelvic floor is assessed visually and tactilely. Looking for discoloration, movement during active contraction and relaxation, and bearing down of the pelvic floor.

  • The external pelvic floor is then assessed for sensation and pain.

  • The nervous system is then tested for normal reflexes with touch.

  • Then using a water based lubricant, the internal examination begins. This is done with 1-2 fingers based on comfort.

  • Tissue is assessed for elasticity, pain and trigger points.

  • Strength is tested with the patient doing active pelvic floor contractions and relaxations.

  • Prolapse is assessed.

  • Depending upon findings and patient’s tolerance, treatment will also begin at that time. This could be education to correct a dysfunction, manual work such as applying pressure/scar tissue mobilizations to the painful or restricted areas of tension in the pelvic floor, and coordinating the pelvic floor work with breath and alignment.

  • At the end of the assessment, a treatment plan is made with the patient for the goals moving forward.

Personally, I have never done internal work (pelvic exams)  in isolation from other treatment modalities, and believe most therapists are the same.  The internal work is just one component to the overall treatment plan.  I treat the patient as a whole and internal pelvic exam is only a part of that. 

“Our goal as a physical therapist is to get your body to work as optimally and efficiently as possible to prevent injury and for some people that might include assessing and treating the pelvic floor.”

Having the knowledge that this work exists can be so helpful in recovery of symptoms.  Some clients might need internal work weekly for a few weeks, others only once and some will even continue doing parts of it on their own at home.  It is completely individual, there is no one size fits all approach.

So if you are struggling with pain, incontinence, anorgasmia, recovery from labor or simply want to connect with your pelvic floor, this assessment could be for you. I look forward to connecting with you during a session.


carseat mechanics

In the first year of life babies travel in the car snuggly in infant carseats.  But getting those seats in and out the car without straining your back is hard. The key to doing it correctly is to keep the carseat as close to your body as long as possible, and therefore stepping into the car with one foot before you place the carseat in the base (especially if the baby is in the center seat).  Outstretched arms with a heavy carseat can reek havoc for your back, neck and shoulders.  And of course make sure the baby is securely buckled in before you move them.




